Our Service during the Covid-19 pandemic

Our pro­per­ty sales con­ti­nue during Covid-times.

We have imple­men­ted spe­cial pro­ce­du­res to pro­tect our cus­to­mers and staff. Find out here what a non-cont­act vie­w­ing looks like and how we can assist you.

In tur­bu­lent times we remain a com­pe­tent and relia­ble part­ner. Our cus­to­mers bene­fit from our inno­va­ti­ve methods and from our experience.

We offer inte­res­ted par­ties a vir­tu­al tour of the pro­per­ty using a 360° came­ra. Addi­tio­nal­ly, we pro­vi­de an infor­ma­ti­ve packa­ge of sales par­ti­cu­lars. This means that you can view the pro­per­ty safe­ly, at your con­ve­ni­ence and as often as you would like. We are hap­py to gui­de you through the vir­tu­al tour of the pro­per­ty in indi­vi­du­al pho­ne appoint­ments.
Of cour­se, it is still pos­si­ble to view the pro­per­ty in per­son and on site. We respect all sta­tu­to­ry Covid-19-requi­re­ments such as the use of masks, social distancing, and fre­quent hand washing. Our employees are trai­ned in Covid-19 safe­ty mea­su­res and will pro­vi­de you with dis­in­fec­tant and masks during your viewing.

A bene­fit for tho­se wis­hing to sell: This approach great­ly redu­ces the num­ber of vie­wings that are car­ri­ed out and allows us to focus our advice on the pro­s­pec­ti­ve buy­ers with the grea­test inte­rest in buying.

Free consultation

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