Our philosophy:
Our Service for your benefit.

The purcha­se or sale of real estate is a pro­found decis­i­on. AmRhein Immobilien­Management GmbH, is here to accom­pa­ny you every step of the way. We offer expe­ri­ence and pro­fes­sio­na­lism that you can rely on.

Not only do we act as an inter­me­dia­ry bet­ween sel­ler and buy­er, but we are also experts and spe­cia­lists in nego­tia­ting and mar­ke­ting so you can:

  • find your per­fect home,
  • get the best out of the pri­ce
  • and stay rela­xed throug­hout the process.

Whe­ther you are buying/ sel­ling a house, an apart­ment, a plot of land or a ren­tal pro­per­ty: We will assist you in every step of the purcha­se or sale from the coll­ec­tion of important docu­ments to the nego­tia­ti­ons with a poten­ti­al buyer/ seller.

The­se goals are reflec­ted in our philosophy:

The heart and soul of your property

The value of your pro­per­ty is not sole­ly defi­ned by its four walls and pri­ce per squa­re foo­ta­ge. A pro­per­ty is a home.

You likely spent many years or even deca­des in your home. You may have desi­gned, reno­va­ted, or even built it yours­elf. It is the place in which your child­ren grew up, fami­ly gathe­rings were held, and count­less memo­ries were made…

The sale or purcha­se of a pro­per­ty often marks the begin­ning of a new pha­se of life. A high sales pri­ce is the­r­e­fo­re not the sole objec­ti­ve. We approach the sale of your home with the due respect and are a trus­ted part­ner in the mar­ke­ting of the pro­per­ty you attach so many memo­ries and emo­ti­ons to.

In a dyna­mic mar­ket of con­stant­ly shif­ting demand and sup­p­ly, our inno­va­ti­ve prac­ti­ces give you the edge.

We use the newest tech­no­lo­gy and col­la­bo­ra­te with mar­ke­ting spe­cia­lists to pre­sent your pro­per­ty in the best light.

Infor­ma­ti­on is not the only fac­tor in a buyer’s decis­i­on-making pro­cess. The influence of emo­ti­ons should not be unde­re­sti­ma­ted. Our pro­fes­sio­nal pho­to­graphs, colou­red flo­or plans, 3‑D images and vir­tu­al vie­wings help show your pro­per­ty from its best side.

“I never thought the sale of our home would be so emo­tio­nal for me…”

The­r­e­fo­re, we are here to accom­pa­ny you throug­hout this process.

Benefit from our diverse channels of distribution, particularly on social media.

And cer­tain­ly, our pas­si­on rounds out all our activities.

Free consultation

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