Your real estate agent for North Rhi­ne-West­pha­lia and Rhi­ne­land-Pala­ti­na­te, in par­ti­cu­lar in the regi­ons of Colo­gne, Bonn, Düs­sel­dorf and Rhine-Ruhr.


Suc­cess speaks for its­elf: Our inno­va­ti­ve methods ensu­re the suc­cessful sale of your pro­per­ty. Request a non-bin­ding call-back to learn more today.


Our com­pa­ny values pro­vi­de our cus­to­mers with secu­ri­ty in an unste­ady mar­ket. Our phi­lo­so­phy con­tri­bu­tes to your success.


Our pro­ven 6‑point-con­cept for your invest­ments can be trus­ted in 2025 and bey­ond. Speak to one of our experts today.

Our pro­per­ty sales con­ti­nue during Covid-times. We have imple­men­ted spe­cial pro­ce­du­res to pro­tect our cus­to­mers and staff: Find out what a non-cont­act vie­w­ing looks like and how we can assist you.

Trust is measurable.

Our cus­to­mers have good reason to trust our ser­vices. Cus­to­mer satis­fac­tion is foun­ded in our com­pa­ny phi­lo­so­phy and our com­pre­hen­si­ve service.

(4,7 von 5)


95% of cus­to­mers recom­mend our service.

Rating by pro­s­pec­ti­ve buyers:

(4,7 von 5)

Rating by sellers:

(4,9 von 5)

100 ratings on ImmoScout24, last updated 05.01.2025

Customers value our competence.

Experience counts.

Our experts have exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in the pla­ce­ment of new buil­dings, old buil­dings, half-tim­be­red or even design hou­ses, con­do­mi­ni­ums, plots of land and com­mer­cial properties.

Interested in selling real estate?

Request a non-bin­ding call-back to learn more about:

  • Indi­vi­du­al sales strategy
  • Modern equip­ment
  • Pre­mi­um all-around service

Interested in buying real estate?

We are hap­py to advi­se you and assist you in fin­ding the right pro­per­ty for you:

  • Detail­ed sales particulars
  • Sug­ges­ti­ons based on your per­so­na­li­sed search profile
  • Finan­cing support

Make successful investments with us.

We are hap­py to advi­se you on how to suc­cessful­ly invest in real estate in 2025:

  • Vet­ted properties
  • Broad sel­ec­tion
  • Excel­lent returns